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Caries risk test

Identify caries inducing factors to assess the risk and determine the treatment of your patients

Caries is a multifactorial disorder, with our test, the cariogenic bacteria are measured and mapped using molecular techniques. By making all factors transparent, you can determine your treatment in a targeted way and motivate your patient to take appropriate measures.


Caries risk depends on several factors

Our caries risk test maps all the factors for you and your patient.

Streptococcus mutans

Mutans streptococci are the main bacteria involved in the development of caries. Besides being acidogenic (converting sugars into acids), these bacteria can also bind sugars to their cell.

Streptococcus sobrinus

These bacteria belong to the group of Mutans strepococci. The risk is higher when both Mutans streptococci are present in saliva compared to only one of the two bacteria.

Sugar intake

The amount of sugar and the frequency of sugar moments in a day affects the patient's ability to develop caries. Sugar is the breeding ground for cariogenic bacteria.

Lactobacillus species

These bacteria can convert sugars into acids, in addition, these bacteria can better maintain themselves in the mouth if the patient has frequent sugar intake moments.

Buffer capacity of the saliva

This parameter shows how well saliva can neutralize acids.


Saliva plays an important role in the development of caries. It contains important ingredients to reduce bacteria and remineralize the glaze.

Multiple variables. 
A single answer..

Each test comes with a clear report. Complexity becomes transparent.

Eenvoudige testafname:

Prepare the test

Let the patient make saliva by doing chewing movements, possibly with the help of sugar-free chewing gum.

Saliva in collecting cup

+- 1 ml is sufficient. Have the patient put the saliva in the cup.

Collect in the tube

Using the sterile pipette, transfer all saliva into the tube.


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Our products


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